Marketing Planning

Background Removal

Make your e-commerce product photo more eye-catching
Offshore Clipping Path is the leading background removal service provider. Our highly trained graphic designers are the top experts in this field. We continually learn and utilize the latest and most advanced editing tools to assure that our customers receive the best quality finished product.

High Quality Standards

We guarantee a ravishing and matchless clipping path services with the hand-drawn process. Our professional image editing experts produce premium quality image clipping or photo cutouts that makes your business successful.


Before deadlines make your life crazy as hell, we are here to make it like heaven. In case of emergency, our expert designers and QC team ensure the fastest delivery time no matter how big your project is. We process any query within 30 minutes.


With over 50+ Highly experienced graphic designing experts and extraordinary QC consultants, we provide 3000+ background removal from images per day. We hire our resources to give results which we believe works for you too.

Flexible Prices

We are known for the best clipping path service provider at a budget-friendly price with no compromising on service quality. We have set a rule-breaking price list to match your requirements of one photo or batch of thousands.

What Is Background Removal?

Image background removal is a typical photo manipulation technique professionally done by Adobe Photoshop.

Pixelpreps has been in the pre-press image editing industry for more than a decade while working with customers and companies in virtual markets. At present, we are delivering photo editing services to more than thousands of customers from world-renowned businesses including:

Online retailers and eCommerce stores
News and ad agencies
Photo studios and fashion houses
Interactive agencies and industry
Photographers and individuals

As a global graphic designing company, we maintain quality when working with world-class standards. We can customize our image editing solutions to meet your successful business needs.


Let us improve your business!

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